Sex and Illness

When we are ill, we may not fancy sex at all. I have often think about what happens to your sex life when you become seriously ill. You hear stories about people contracting illness like cancer and not having sex again. I find that a but strange. About a year ago, I had a car accident and found it comforting when my boyfriend had sex with me. It made me more relaxed and a lot of my pain and aches went away. I am sure that not everybody feels the same way, but I think it helped me.

I spoke to some of my charlotte London escorts gents about sex and illness the other day. Most of them said that they would probably still fancy having sex if they were ill. One of my gents said that having a cold and staying in bed really made him horny. I cannot say that a cold has ever made me feel horny but I guess that it could happen. But then again, some of the gents that I see at London escorts are a bit weird.

If you are feeling down and a bit blue, I do think that it helps you to have sex. When I feel depressed, I feel really good after sex. First of all it helps me to sleep better. Can more sex promote better health? The charlotte London escorts gents who are always really healthy seem to have sex more than others. I have read somewhere that sex can help you to boost your immune system and this could be why some of my charlotte London escorts do look healthier than others.

One of the gents that I have been dating for a long time at charlotte London escorts claim that sex helped him to lower his blood pressure. I have heard that somewhere before. It seems that good sex can help to relax the arteries and help to lower blood pressure. I know that a few of my gents at London escort do suffer from high blood pressure and it could be that more of them would benefit from having more sex. It is also said that it can help to prevent complications such as heart disease. It is worth giving it a shot, you never know when something good is going to come up!

Yes, I do enjoy sex and I think that we should have more of it. Recently I made up a little booklet about sex and health. I have started to hand it out to my gents at London escorts. They thought that it was funny at first, but a couple of my more senior charlotte London escorts dates say that they think it is a good idea. Why not? You keep reading about the health connection between good sex and better health. I cannot see why I should not promote it a little bit. Like I keep saying to myself, dating charlotte London escorts should have a real feel good factor attached to it. If it does not, then we are seriously doing something wrong and that is not good at all.

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