For the sake of love – Victoria escorts

It wasn’t my intention to leave my family, but for the sake of love, I will. Many times I think of my decision, but for me, this is one thing I did it right. To fight for love is never wrong, as long as you are ready to face any consequences in life. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings, and I can testify it because it changes my life so much.


I have always been afraid of many things, such as decision makings and everything about life. My parents had controlled over me so much; I had closed my eyes in the real world. They treated me just like a baby, and don’t believe in me. When I was a kid, I didn’t feel like an average child, playing outside and having friends. Do you know that feeling like your life entirely scripted? When they already wrote your future and everything, you will do. All my life, I got these rules in me and was hard enough to get away from it. Every time I don’t follow each state is an equivalent of a punishment. It’s hard to sleep with the time you don’t like, to the movies you are just allowed to see, and the kind of people you need to surround.


I want to fight for my right, but I am afraid of my parents, especially to dad. No one can argue with him since he doesn’t want to be corrected or does not follow. He sees himself as a king in the house, and you will never try his patience. He has a bad temper, and to avoid chaos, we follow everything he says. When I was in my teenage years, even my course and peers in life is selected.


I know I am not happy anymore with this kind of life, but I keep it with myself. We lived in New York, but when I was in college, they send me to Victoia London to stay. They enrolled me in a business class, which is I want to become a chef. But during my stay at Victoria, I met a beautiful woman; she is a Victoria escorts from and one of the ladies I saw during an event in school. She books by my best friend and gets attracted to her. She is the only one that caught my attention that night.


I did search for her and had communication. After graduation, I go back to New York but still keep coming back to meet her. Until my parents made an arranged marriage, which is I refuse. They were so frustrated with me, and I am brave enough to walk away from them. No matter what happened, just let me love Victoria escorts, and we have no problem.

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