Daily Archives: August 4, 2020

Many different exciting techniques – London escorts

I am not sure how you feel about spending some time at my pleasure tonight, but it seems that many gents like to spend some time at my pleasure. Like all of the other girls here at  London escorts, I have many ways of showing you and comforting you. If you would like to know a little more about that, please check my profile on the London escorts from https://escortsinlondon.sx. You will be able to read more about there.

Have you ever met a girl who likes to be in charge before? I love to be in charge, and I am only the only at London escorts who specialize in being in charge. It may sound a strange way to describe the practice of BDSM, but it works for me. I call it spending time at my pleasure, and you will love the way that I make you serve your sentence with me. Let me tell you that I have developed many different exciting techniques that I think that you will enjoy.

It is not like spending time in prison when you spend time with me, but it is a bit like spending time in a deep dark dungeon. My dungeon here at London escorts is a real pleasure soon for most gents, and once you get to know me a little better, you will see what I mean. Like all other ladies who practice this craft, I am cautious with what I do to you. After all, I would not want you to come to any harm at all. But, I have met men who have asked me to give them unique treatments.

If you would like to be one of those gents who would like to receive a bit of special treatment, I would like to get to know a little better for first of all. Let’s consider it as testing your tolerance levels to some of the things that I have to offer. Many gents who come to see me at London escorts think that they have excellent tolerance levels. It is kind of disappointing when you find out that they do not. That is why I always encourage my gents to visit me a few times before we start to step things up.

Would you like to try a little bit of BDSM but are new to the craft? That is not a problem neither. I know exactly how to get you started, and you will soon get used to the way I handle you. If you have some experience with BDSM, I am more than happy to help you take things that little bit further. When I say that I intend to step things up a gear, I mean it, and I am sure that you may even appreciate the way I do that.

I love you to come to see me here at London escorts. May I suggest that you take a look at our London website to make sure that we are off the same mind. It could be what I am telling you sounds exciting to you know, but when you get here, you may find that you are a bit worried. I don’t want that to happen to you, and that is why I ask you to make sure that we are right for each other. Okay, you are probably busy right now, but when you have a few minutes, I would ask you to read a little bit more about me and the services that I have to offer you.…